We met Junia in 2010 when she came to us in need. She was a single mom, working in a hotel that downsized and she wasn’t able to find other work. She got behind on her rent, and couldn’t afford food for her family or school for her girls.
Like so many families we meet, Junia needed a just little help to get back on her feet. When our program support worked for Junia and her family, she told her friends and her neighbors. Pretty soon, the entire community looked to Junia as a leader and as a resource and friend who could now help them. With a newfound confidence, a new role as a Haitian Families First employee, and a desire to help other mothers in need, Junia quickly found her passion in giving back.
Junia’s children, Daphka 13, Schneidine 10, and Jeremie 4 have a new baby sister, Ilora born just four weeks ago. Junia’s family is strong and happy now because of the support from her community of extended family and friends at Haitian Families First.
Your continued support of mothers builds community and creates strength so that families thrive together. Please consider a mother’s day donation to keep families together. Stories like Junia’s are the reason Haitian Families First continues to serve and the reason our efforts go farther so that one day, our work will not be needed.
From our hearts to yours,
Thank you.