HFF is working daily with the at-risk families of Port au Prince and the surrounding regions of Haiti.
Each day finds us face-to-face with the children and caregivers whose stories are the driving force behind the continued mission of the organization. But at HFF, we have more than stories and faces. We have the numbers that objectively quantify the impact we’re having as we work toward our vision of a family-strong, social services-rich Haiti.
From our 2013 Report:
Dear Friends and Family of Haitian Families First,
We are grateful for the opportunity to thank you for helping us make 2013 a special year for Haitian Families First! We are humbled and encouraged by the support that each and every one of you provide as we work toward our vision to end institutionalization in Haiti.
In 2013 we directly impacted the lives of over 100 children through one or more of our three core programs: Nutrition, Education, and Health & Wellness. 60 of those children are enrolled in school, some of them for the very first time.
Of the 92 children enrolled in HFF programming in December – all of whom were at high risk of being sent to large privatized institutions – we were able to ensure that 76% remain securely in their home with one or both of their biological parents! An additional 23% are living with extended family (see back page).
Our hard work is paying off. However, Haiti remains a dangerous place for the family unit. With 30,000 children and teens living in deplorable conditions in large privatized institutions known as orphanages, we must continue to raise awareness and seek support. The Haitian government, with help from USAID and UNICEF, estimates that more than 24,000 of these 30,000 children have at least one living parent. Yet children are institutionalized every day not because their parents want to give them up – but because they feel there is no other option. By providing options to parents and relatives willing to parent their children, we are keeping the number from growing.
As we move forward this year, our primary goal remains to keep families together, and help them thrive. We work with families to help them through a crisis situation and to reach a point of self-sustainability. This can be a long process, but we are committed to each individual who is part of our HFF family. Our message is spreading in the seven communities we serve.
Families currently enrolled in HFF programs are living examples and beacons of hope to their struggling neighbors. When families remain together, there is a ripple effect of potential that seems attainable – causing an ever-growing list of families interested in receiving the services provided by HFF.
We sincerely thank you for your support. Please continue to raise awareness for our cause in your community – with your voice we can speak louder on behalf of the children who cannot speak for themselves.
-Haitian Families First